Impact Calculator

Want to see the impact of your investment? Select an investment type and enter your investment dollar amount and we’ll quantify it for you.

Results for Renewable Energy Historic Rehabilitation Affordable Housing

Your Investment Facilitates

Solar Installation
${{ renewable_energy_solar_installation | round }}
Clean Power Capacity (KWdc)
{{ renewable_energy_clean_power_capacity * 1000 | round }}
Historic Rehabilitation
${{ historic_rehabilitation_total_rehab_cost | round }}
Affordable Housing Development
${{ affordable_housing_total_investment | round }}

Your Impact

Jobs Created
{{ renewable_energy_jobs_created | round }}
Homes' Annual Electricity
Usage Eliminated
{{ renewable_energy_home_electricity_eliminated | round }}
Passenger Cars
Removed from the Road Annually
{{ renewable_energy_cars_removed | round }}
Gallons of Gas
Reduced in Consumption
{{ renewable_energy_gasoline_gallons_reduced | round }}
Cell Phones Charged
{{ renewable_energy_cellphones_charged | round }}
Jobs Created
{{ historic_rehabilitation_jobs_created | round }}
Tax Impact
(local, state & federal)
${{ historic_rehabilitation_tax_impact | round }}
Income Generated
${{ historic_rehabilitation_income_generated | round }}
${{ historic_rehabilitation_gdp_added | round }}
Output Generated
${{ historic_rehabilitation_output_generated | round }}
Affordable Homes Built
{{ afforable_housing_homes_built | round }}
Jobs Created
{{ afforable_housing_jobs_created | round }}
Local Tax Revenue Generated
${{ afforable_housing_tax_revenue_generated | round }}
Local Income Generated
${{ afforable_housing_income_generated | round }}

Your Impact: These are estimated calculations based on data from Irena’s 2018 Annual Review, Renewable Energy and Jobs and the EPA, Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator.

Your Impact: These are estimated calculations based on data from the U.S. National Park Service’s Annual Report on the Economic Impact of the Federal Historic Tax Credit for FY 2019.

Your Impact: These are estimated calculations based on data from the National Home Builder’s Association’s report on The Economic Impact of Home Building in a Typical Local Area.

Contact us for more information about impact investing, federal and state tax credits.