Turner School
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Built in 1898 in Rockford Illinois, the Turner School is a stunning reflection of the unique artistic and cultural characteristics of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. With its blend of Classical Revival, Colonial Revival and Richardsonian Romanesque styles, it became an icon in traditional American architecture. Designed by Rockford architectural firm Bradley & Carpenter, Rockford’s oldest architectural firm, the building pays homage to the rich history of the city.
In 2015, the building was approved for use as a police station and became home to one of the city’s first geo-policing programs, a public safety practice that allows officers to form relationships with residents and organizations within their communities. Some benefits of this program include a reduction in crime, improved community cooperation and communication, and greater access to critical programs and resources for residents.
The new department goes even further to build trusting relationships within communities by launching ice cream socials to unite children and police officers, holding open houses and creating “Strong Neighborhood Houses” that give residents in troubled areas a place to report crimes and other issues.
In 2017, Rockford’s District 2 Police Station was awarded Landmarks Illinois’ 2017 Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Preservation President’s Award for Adaptive Use, recognizing its value and the positive impact it has on the community. The historic tax credit (HTC) allowed for the rehabilitation of the old Turner School into the new police station, helping better the future of the community by fostering a sense of togetherness and understanding between law enforcement and residents.
About the Developer

Rockford Local Development Corporation (“RLDC”) is a small business champion and a catalyst for community and economic development.
A private, not-for-profit economic development agency, RLDC has been helping small businesses grow since 1979. With $4 million of RLDC-owned loan funds and as a Certified Development Company through the SBA 504 Loan program, RLDC is able to structure leveraged financings that reduce a borrower’s down payment and provide attractive long term fixed rate loans.
Since RLDC capitalized its loan programs in 1985, it has funded more than 620 projects with loans totaling more than $163 million. These loans have impacted more than 8,000 jobs. In the past two years, RLDC has funded 88 projects with loans totaling more than $32.4 million to support more than 1,400 jobs.